
The Society promotes 1) the preservation, conservation, study, and enjoyment of the native plants of Arkansas, 2) the education of the public regarding the value of native plants and their habitats, and 3) the publication of related information.


To contact us, see this list of our officers.


The Arkansas Native Plant Society (ANPS) was formally organized September 20, 1980, in Mena, Arkansas. Susie Westerman-Dunn designed our beautiful logo.

Meetings and Field Trips

To fulfill its purpose, the society has two general meetings per year and many field trips. Meetings and field trips are held in various locations around the state so that members can be made more aware of the great diversity and natural beauty of Arkansas.  The meetings and field trips are always educational and just plain fun!!!

Some of the members of the Arkansas Native Plant Society

Some of the members of the Arkansas Native Plant Society

Scholarships and Awards

The  educational purpose of the society is also met by  providing a number of scholarships (Aileen McWilliam Scholarships) and research grants (Delzie Demaree Research Grants) to worthy students.  Donations to support those funds will be gladly accepted.

ANPS also honors people who  have contributed to meeting our purpose in a significant way. The Dwight Moore Award is given for outstanding achievement  in either research or publication concerning Arkansas botany.  The Carl Amason Conservation Award is given to those who have helped conserve our state’s natural heritage.

See more on our grants, scholarships and awards here.