Know Your Natives – Great Plains and Fragrant ladies’-tresses orchids

Arkansas has 9 species of ladies’-tresses orchid in the genus Spiranthes. They are found across the state in a wide variety of habitats, from disturbed areas, lawns and roadside ditches to high quality meadows, marshes, prairies and woodlands.

Two of the more uncommon species in Arkansas are the Great Plains (S. magnicamporum) and fragrant (S. odorata) ladies’-tresses.

Great Plains Ladies'-tresses Orchid - Spiranthes magnicamporum

Great Plains ladies’-tresses orchid – Spiranthes magnicamporum

Great Plains ladies’-tresses are known from a few counties in southwestern Arkansas. It is found in high quality prairie habitat and blooms in the fall, typically around the middle of October, after the leaves have withered and disappeared. It is highly fragrant.

Fragrant ladies'-tresses orchid - Spiranthes odorata

fragrant ladies’-tresses orchid – Spiranthes odorata

Fragrant ladies’-tresses can be found widely scattered across Arkansas, but is absent from the most northern counties. It grows in wetlands and bogs, often in standing water. The basal leaves are generally present on blooming plants. It blooms in October and is also highly fragrant.

Article and photographs by ANPS member Eric Hunt

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Know Your Natives – Carolina Moonseed

Carolina Moonseed (Cocculus carolinus) of the Menispermaceae (Moonseed Family) occurs in the U.S. in the mid-western and southern states.  This semi-woody, scrambling or climbing vine occurs throughout Arkansas in shady to partly sunny woods and thickets and along streams and fence rows.  It is a slender twining vine without tendrils or thorns.  Carolina moonseed, a.k.a. Carolina snailseed, red-berried moonseed and Carolina coralbead, is usually deciduous, but can retain some smaller basal leaves into winter.

New and mature vines holding tightly to a small black cherry.

Young and mature vines holding tightly to a small black cherry.

Medium-green, slightly leathery leaves vary considerably in outline and size, but are generally ovate to heart-shaped to hastate (triangular) without lobes or with one to two broad lobes on either side.   Lobes of some leaves are so indistinct that the outline merely appears wavy.  Smaller leaves nearer ground-level tend to have more lobes or show a hastate shape while leaves higher in trees are significantly larger and almost oval.  Larger leaves may have blades 5.5” long and 6” wide with petioles of 4.5”.  Smaller leaves may have blades 2.75” long and 3.5” wide with petioles of 2.25”.  Leaf margins are entire with a pointed to rounded tip with tips typically having a needle-like point.  Leaf blades are sparsely covered with fine hairs.  Petioles are long and uniformly slender, with those of larger leaves tending to have a kink or bend (may be caused by leaves repositioning themselves during growth to access better sunlight).  Venation, as with leaf size, varies considerably, but remains palmate at the base.

Upper leaf surface of Carolina moonseed and ripe fruit.  (Leaves collected in November.  Petioles removed.)

Upper leaf surface of Carolina moonseed and ripe fruit.  (Leaves collected in November.  Petioles removed.)

Lower leaf surface of Carolina moonseed.  (same leaves as previous photo)

Lower leaf surface of Carolina moonseed. (same leaves as previous photo)

Carolina moonseed is dioecious (male and female flowers on separate plants).   Male panicles are up to 6” long while female clusters are much shorter.  Flowers may occur from near ground-level in fencerows to 40 or more feet up within trees.  Flowers, ¼” across, with white petals and green sepals occur in early summer.

Flowers on a male Carolina moonseed twinning around a blackberry stem.

Flowers on a male Carolina moonseed twining around a blackberry stem.

In late summer and early fall, tight to loose clusters of green fruit on the female vines mature to translucent brilliant red fruits (drupes) and become evident in fence rows and high-up in tall trees.  Fruit, persisting into late fall, are less than a fourth-inch in diameter and enclose a flattened, round, 1-seeded stone or pit about ⅛” in diameter and with a textured margin.  The stone is said to look like a crescent moon (thus, Carolina “moonseed”) or a snail (thus, Carolina “snailseed”).

Ripening clusters of Carolina moonseed on a vine dangling within a small pine.  Inset photo shows seed.

Clusters of ripening Carolina moonseed drupes on a vine dangling within a small pine. Inset photo shows the stones or pits of the fruits, each containing a single seed.

Carolina moonseed produces an abundance of fruit which are eaten by many bird species. It comes up from seeds readily.  Despite its showy leaves and fruit, the plant’s reputation for being difficult to control in garden settings suggests that it should not be planted in small or formal gardens, but rather should be appreciated in natural settings.

Note:  The related Canada moonseed (Menispermum canadense) occurs in moist forests in the highlands of northwest and central Arkansas.  Plant growth habit and leaves of Canada moonseed are similar to Carolina moonseed.  Canada moonseed can be distinguished by having petioles that join at the bottom surface of the leaf blade rather than at the margin.  Also, fruit of Canada moonseed (poisonous) resembles small-fruited, bluish-black grapes in color and cluster shape. A third member of this family in Arkansas, cupseed (Calycocarpum lyonii), also a vine, is found throughout the state, generally in rich, riparian forests.  Leaves of cupseed are often deeply three- to five-lobed, with generally long, slender, pointed tips.  The stones or pits of the bluish-black fruit of this species are oval, smooth and bowl-shaped or cupped (hence the name, “cupseed”).

Article and photos by ANPS member Sid Vogelpohl

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Know Your Natives – Asters

Featuring Manyray, Late Purple and Fragrant Asters

Twenty-two species of asters (in the New World genus Symphyotrichum) occur in Arkansas (four other species also formerly treated in the genus Aster are now in the genera Doellingeria, Eurybia and Ionactis).  Asters, in the Asteraceae Family, are herbaceous perennials with white, lavender to purple ray florets.  Aster’s composite flower heads consist of pistillate (and thus seed-producing) ray florets and perfect (meaning bisexual and thus also seed-producing) disk florets, all crowded together on a dome-like center (receptacle).  Showy, strap-shaped corollas (ligules) characterize the ray florets surrounding the center disk.  The irregular (bilaterally symmetrical) ray florets and regular (radially symmetrical) disk florets have lobed corollas fused to form a tube surrounded by bristly structures (pappus).  The ovary is inferior.  As seeds mature, the pappus becomes fluffy and allows the fruits (one-seeded achenes) to be dispersed by wind.

The aster head is surrounded by overlapping bracts (phyllaries) that form a cup-shaped supporting structure, the involucre.  (“Aster” derives from Greek for “star” based on central disk being surrounded by rays.)

Asters are a valuable element of larger native gardens since they provide year-round presence and an important resource for many insect species, including butterflies.  Blooms occur in late fall when few plant species bloom.  Although some aster species may become weedy, the featured species below do not seem to have that issue.

Manyray Aster

Manyray Aster (Symphyotrichum anomalum, formerly known as Aster anomalus) occurs in the US in Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Kansas and Illinois.  In Arkansas, the species occurs across the Ozark Plateaus, Arkansas Valley, Ouachita Mountains and highlands of the West Gulf Coastal Plain.  It grows well in shady to partly sunny areas in dry to moist rocky woods and thickets.

A plant may have one to a half-dozen stems.  Stems, as well as leaf blades and petioles, are covered with soft hairs (puberulent).  The upper third of a stem becomes branched in the inflorescence.  Plants, up to four feet tall, have a loose, upright habit but can become splayed with blooming.

Leaf size varies along the main stems. Leaf size on branches supporting flowers is greatly reduced.  Leaves on main stems are ovate to lance-shaped with a heart-shaped (cordate) to rounded base.  Main stem leaves may be 4” long and 1” wide with petioles ¾” long.  Leaves, equally fuzzy on top and lower surfaces, are generally entire, but may have a few coarse teeth.  Main stem leaves are narrowly winged by tissue extending from the leaf blade.  Leaves in the inflorescence are much smaller, sessile and narrowly lance-shaped.

Flower heads, occurring singly on short or long branches, are up to 1” in diameter.  Ray florets, up to 20, have light lavender petals in late summer into fall.   Yellow corollas and stamens of disk florets change to dark pink as flowers fade.  The involucre is round with overlapping (imbricate), pointed, strongly recurved bracts (phyllaries).

Principal characteristics to identify manyray asters at time of bloom are fuzzy/soft leaves, narrowly-winged petioles of more or less heart-shaped leaves and recurved phyllaries.

Photo 1

Manyray aster showing early spring growth. Both plants shown are same species.

Photo 2

Manyray aster blooming in fall. Note involucre with recurved phyllaries and changes of disc floret color from head to head as flowers age.

Photo 3

Manyray aster in fall. Hairs on stem and leaves as well as differences between main stem leaves and greatly reduced leaves within inflorescence can be seen.

  Late Purple Aster

Late purple aster, also known as spreading aster and clasping aster (Symphyotrichum patens, formerly known as Aster patens) occurs in the US from Texas to Minnesota and eastward to the coast.  In Arkansas, late purple aster occurs throughout the state except for several counties bordering the Mississippi River.  It grows in sandy to rocky open woods, thickets and glade margins.

Late purple aster is an upright plant with slender, hairy, brittle stems that may be two to three feet tall, occasionally taller.  Mature stems are tan, smooth and almost woody in texture.  There can be one to several stems per plant.  Branches within the inflorescence are spindly, long and covered with small, bracteal leaves.  Overall openness of plant’s structure causes the small number of nodding buds/flower heads to be quite noticeable.

Leaf size varies along the main stems and is greatly reduced in inflorescence.  Stem leaves are up to 2¾” long and ½” wide.  Leaves are alternate, clasping, entire and oblong-lanceolate in shape.  Edges of leaves have hairs (ciliate).  Base of clasping stem leaves is heart-shaped (cordate) with round lobes (auriculate) that extend past the stem.  The upper leaf surface feels smooth and lower surface feels slightly rough.  Characteristics of leaves on the flowering branches are very similar to stem leaves but greatly reduced in size.  Leaves along the lower stem are typically dried and brown by the time of flowering.

Flower heads, up to 1” in diameter, bloom from late summer to early fall.  Ray florets, 15 to 18, have lavender corollas.  Lobes and stamens of disk florets are yellow and change to brown as florets fade.  The involucre is elongate with an enlarged base.  Phyllaries are imbricate and tightly pressed against the structure and, thus, indistinct.

Principal characteristics to identify late purple aster at time of bloom are clasping leaves with auriculate lobes, open plant structure with nodding buds/flower heads and phyllaries that are tightly appressed to the involucre.

Photo 4

Late purple aster in spring (left-front). Other plants pictured include elm-leaf goldenrod (Solidago ulmifolia) (right-middle) and woodland sunflower (Helianthus divaricatus) (top-back).

Photo 5

Late purple aster in bloom. The plant has an open structure that highlights prominent buds/flower heads.

Photo 6

Late purple aster in bloom. Hairs on stem and leaves as well as differences between main stem leaves and leaves within inflorescence can be seen.

Fragrant Aster

Fragrant Aster or Aromatic Aster (Symphyotrichum oblongifolium, formerly known as Aster oblongifolius) occurs in the US throughout the Plains, Mid-West, Interior Highlands and Appalachians.  It is absent from the western states and coastal regions.  In Arkansas, fragrant aster occurs across the Ozark Plateaus and in parts of the Arkansas Valley and Ouachita Mountains.  It grows well in well-drained sandy to rocky soil as well as more moist clay soils in prairies, glades and open woodlands.  It prefers full sun and can tolerate drought.

Plants, which spread readily by underground stems (rhizomes), reach 3’ in height; however, weight of blooming branches causes stems to recline.  Plants have numerous slender, brown, rigid, almost woody stems that may be slightly hairy when young.  At time of bloom, new growth appears from roots and lower portion of stems in preparation for spring.   However, compared to the other two featured species, branches of  the inflorescence are heavily leafed and densely flowered.  At the time of bloom, few leaves remain on stems below the branches.

The leaves are fragrant when crushed.  They are alternate, sessile, narrowly oblong and entire, with pointed tips.  On blooming branches, leaves are up to 1½” long and ½” wide and are stiff with an equally rough texture of upper and lower surfaces.  Leaf size decreases gradually upwards, but appearance remains similar to lower leaves. Near the flowers, leaves about ½” long.

Flower heads, occurring singly on short, closely spaced branches (pedicels), are slightly less than 1” wide.  Ray florets, up to 35, bear dark lavender corollas (many overlapping).  Corollas and stamens of disk florets are yellow and change to dark purple as florets fade.  The involucre is round with imbricate, strongly recurved phyllaries.

Principal characteristics to identify fragrant aster at time of bloom are fragrance of crushed leaves, reclined posture of plant, as well as numerous stems with dense flowers and leaves.

Photo 7

Fragrant aster showing early spring growth.

Photo 8r

Fragrant aster in bloom with a nectaring variegated fritillary.

Photo 9

Fragrant aster in bloom. Differences between main stem leaves and leaves within inflorescence can be seen. Leaves and flowers are numerous and densely arranged.

Article and photographs by ANPS member Sid Vogelpohl

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Know Your Natives – Overcup Oak

Overcup Oak

Overcup Oak (Quercus lyrata) is a species of oak in the White Oak Group.

It favors bottomland forests and is tolerant of wet, clay soils. This oak is identified by the cup, which often completely encloses the acorn.

It is found mainly in the southeastern United States, extending north along the Mississippi River into southern Illinois. Arkansas is the northwestern range limit for the species.

Overcup Oak - Quercus lyrata

Closeup of the acorn in its cup

Overcup Oak - Quercus lyrata

Maturing acorns still on the tree in mid October

Article and photographs by ANPS member Eric Hunt

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Know Your Natives  – Baldwin’s Climbing Milkweed and Anglepod Milkvine

Baldwin’s climbing milkweed (Matelea baldwyniana) and Anglepod milkvine (Matelea gonocarpos or Gonolobus suberosus depending on which authorities are followedof the Apocynaceae (Dogbane) Family, formerly of the Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed) Family, are herbaceous, perennial, trailing to climbing vines.

These vines grow in various rocky, well-drained soils in open woodlands, ravines and overgrown areas.  Each plant has one to several stems that may reach 20 feet in length, but, with twinning, actual height may be significantly shorter.  Both have rounded stems, white sap and opposite leaves on petioles.  Leaves are broadly ovate to orbicular with smooth edges, an acute to tapered tip, and heart-shaped base.  Inflorescences, present from April to June, are loose clusters on long peduncles that grow from the nodes.  Leaf blades may be six inches long and slightly less wide.  Flowers have a disc-like central column bearing five anthers.  As in all North American milkweeds, the pollen is not granular, but cemented into ten packets called pollinia.  When removed from their anthers, the pollinia are seen to be connected in pairs by two wiry threads to a tiny clip. It is this clip that is inadvertently engaged by visiting insects and carried from flower to flower. If a pollinium is subsequently inserted into a stigmatic slit, pollination is effected.  Seed pods, which tend to be few in number, contain densely packed circular, flattened seeds with many long white hairs, typical of most milkweeds.  As dry pods open, wind pulls seeds out of the pods by the hairs.

Baldwin’s climbing milkweed and anglepod milkvine are both nice plants for a home garden.  Plants can be easily grown from seed and do well, even when growing within the confines of an openly branched tree.  They do not multiply by root and do not seem to multiply significantly by seed.  Both plants have large attractive leaves and interesting flowers and seed pods.  Both serve as food source for Monarch caterpillars, nymphs of Milkweed Bugs and the colorful (although voracious) Milkweed Tussock Moth caterpillars.

Baldwin’s Climbing Milkweed

Baldwin’s climbing milkweed, also called Baldwin’s milkweed, Baldwin’s milkvine or white climbing milkweed, has a rather limited distribution, occurring in the U.S. from eastern Oklahoma through western Arkansas to southwestern Missouri and from widely scattered localities from Mississippi to western Georgia and the Florida panhandle.  Top and underside of leaves are equally medium green.  Leaves feel limp and flannel-like.  Overall the plant is densely hairy with short and long hairs, especially noticeable along stems and petioles.

Inflorescences, present from April to June, occur in the lower to mid-portion of plants, with 15 or more flowers in a cluster.  Flowers have five ½”-long and ⅛”-wide twisting white petals joined at the base.  The calyx is formed by five short ⅛”-long, lance-shaped spreading lobes.  Seed pods, elongate and round in cross-section, are covered with rough bumps topped by soft-prickly points.

Photo 1

Photo 1:  Leaves and flower cluster of Baldwin’s climbing milkweed in late May.

Photo 2

Photo 2:  An immature seed pod of Baldwin’s climbing milkweed with milk weed bugs feeding on seed through skin of pod.  Note seam of pod where it will split open at maturity.

Photo 3

Photo 3:  Seed of Baldwin’s climbing milkweed being dispersed from dried, split pod in early November.  Note long white hairs of the seed, an adaptation for wind dispersal.

Anglepod Milkvine

Anglepod milkvine, also called anglepod, anglepod milkweed or angular-fruit milkvine, occurs throughout the southeastern U.S. from Texas to southeastern Kansas to southern Illinois and Indiana to Maryland and southward.  In Arkansas, it occurs statewide.  Plants have short hairs, most noticeable on stems.  Leaves, dark green on top and lighter green on bottom, feel slightly rough.  Stems, petioles and leaf veins may show purplish shading which fades with maturity.  Inflorescences, present from April to June, occur in the upper portion of plants and consist of two to ten greenish star-shaped flowers in a cluster.  Flowers have five spreading, elongate-triangular petals about ¾” long and united at the base.  The central column is green on top (some flowers may be purplish) and surrounded by a large, yellowish nectary.  The calyx is formed by five recurved green sepals about ¼ the length of petals and of similar shape and color.

Pods, about 4″ long and 1½” wide, are five-sided with two wide sides and three narrow sides, each separated by a pronounced angular ridge, hence its common name.  Dry pods split along the middle of the inner narrow side.

Photo 4

Photo 4:  Leaves and flower cluster of anglepod milkvine in early June.  Note previous year’s vine remnants remaining on tree trunk.

Photo 5

Photo 5:  Seed pods of anglepod milkvine within a hickory tree.  A wide side and a narrow side of pod are shown.

Photo 6

Photo 6:  A drying pod of anglepod milkvine in early November.  The two wide sides of pod are shown.

Photo 7

Photo 7:  Caterpillars of Milkweed Tussock Moth devour milkweed leaves. Several instars (varying stages of molts) are shown.

Other Similar Milkweed Vines In Arkansas

Sandvine or honeyvine (Cynanchum leave), a common garden weed, occurs throughout most of Arkansas, but is less common in the core mountainous areas of the Ozarks and Ouachitas.   The flowers of sandvine, occurring in clusters, are small (the smallest of the milkweed vines in Arkansas) and white.  The leaves are generally smaller and with a longer tapered tip than Baldwin’s climbing milkweed and anglepod milkvine, and the seed pods are smooth. Sandvine is one of very few North American milkweeds that lacks milky sap.

Climbing milkweed (Matelea decipiens) occurs widely across Arkansas, but it is more infrequent in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain and West Gulf Coastal Plain, and nearly absent from extreme western Arkansas where Baldwin’s climbing milkweed is predominant.  The pods resemble those of Baldwin’s climbing milkweed, being covered with bumps with short hard points, but the inflorescences are clusters of rusty red or maroon flowers. The two species are so similar vegetatively and in fruit that they can be distinguished only in flower.

Twinevine (Funastrum cynanchoides subsp. cynanchoides), a primarily southwestern and coastal plant, is the least common of the milkweed vines in Arkansas, occurring primarily along sections of the Arkansas, Red and White Rivers.  Twinevine most closely resembles sandvine vegetatively, although the leaves are often a little broader with less tapered tips.  The flowers, also occurring in clusters, are white to pinkish and much larger and showier than those of sandvine.  The pods are smooth and also more abruptly constricted toward the tip than those of sandvine.

Article and photographs by ANPS member Sid Vogelpohl

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Know Your Natives – American Hazelnut

American Hazelnut

American Hazelnut (Corylus americana) is a medium to large spreading shrub that produces edible nuts in the fall.

The nuts ripen in September and October and are a favorite of small game and birds. As fall progresses male catkins are produced. In mid to late winter the catkins fully expand and shed their pollen. A large, leafless shrub in February with fully grown catkins is a sight!

It is found over much of the central and eastern United States north of the Gulf Coast. Arkansas is at the southwestern edge of this species’ range.

American Hazelnut - Corylus americana

Next season’s male catkins form as fall progresses

American Hazelnut - Corylus americana

The maturing nuts are enclosed in a protective structure known as an involucre

Article and photographs by ANPS member Eric Hunt

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Ash Tree Threat Invades Arkansas

Arkansas joins the growing list of states affected by the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis), or EAB for short, an invasive Asian beetle devastating North American ash trees.

Adult EAB.  Leah Bauer, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station,

Adult EAB. Leah Bauer, USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station,

The beetle was first discovered on the continent in Michigan in 2002, although it apparently arrived a few years earlier, possibly introduced as larvae in ash wood packing material.  In a little over a decade and a half or so it has spread throughout the Great Lakes region to well into the Northeast and Midwest, killing tens of millions of ash trees, and now, sadly, is advancing into the South.

: Ash trees dead or dying from EAB infestation in Virginia.  Christopher Asaro, Virginia Department of Forestry,

Ash trees dead or dying from EAB infestation in Virginia. Christopher Asaro, Virginia Department of Forestry,

After discovery of EAB in southeastern Missouri in 2008, the Arkansas State Plant Board and the United States Department of Agriculture began surveying in 2009 for EAB in Arkansas with the use of lure-baited insect traps and by inspecting ash trees for signs of infestation.  EAB was detected this summer in traps in southwestern Arkansas and by subsequent field inspections.  It is now confirmed from six counties: Clark, Columbia, Dallas, Hot Spring, Nevada, and Ouachita.  Given the extent of the infestation, it has likely been in the area for a couple of years.

EAB larvae and damage to an ash tree in Ouachita County, AR.  Arkansas State Plant Board.

EAB larvae and damage to an ash tree in Ouachita County, AR.  Arkansas State Plant Board.

The adults of EAB are small (about 1/3 to 1/2 inch) and metallic green.  The upper side of their abdomens (exposed when the wings are extended) is coppery- or purplish-red, a distinctive character of this species.

adult_David Cappaert_Michigan State University_Bugwood_org

Adult EAB, with distinctive purplish-red upper abdomen exposed. David Cappaert, Michigan State University,

The adults are present and breeding during the summer, with females depositing their eggs in bark crevices of living ash trees.  However, it’s the larvae, linear and whitish with bell-shaped segments, which do the damage, boring extensive, meandering tunnels under the bark while feeding on the vascular tissues, eventually destroying the tree’s vascular transport system, essentially girdling it.

Larva of EAB.  Note bell-shaped segments.  David Cappaert, Michigan State University,

Larva of EAB. Note bell-shaped segments. David Cappaert, Michigan State University,

Tunnels (galleries) bored through vascular layer of an ash tree by EAB larvae.  Troy Kimoto, Canadian Food Inspection Agency,

Tunnels (galleries) bored through vascular layer of an ash tree by EAB larvae. Troy Kimoto, Canadian Food Inspection Agency,

Once heavily infested, the tree can no longer transport water or nutrients from the roots to the leaves or sugars produced during photosynthesis in the leaves to the rest of the plant.  Branch dieback and sparse foliage are often early symptoms of an infestation, progressing to top-killed trees with prolific branching from the base of the trunks or roots, peeling and splitting of the bark, and eventually death (often within three to five years of initial infestation).

Ash tree infested with EAB.  Note top-killed tree and prolific, basal sprouting.  Daniel Herms, The Ohio State University,

Ash tree infested with EAB. Note top-kill and prolific, basal sprouting. Daniel Herms, The Ohio State University,

After the larvae pupate, the adults emerge in the spring through characteristic D-shaped holes bored through the bark.

exit hole_Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources_Forestry Archive_Bugwood_org

Characteristic D-shaped exit hole through which adult EAB emerges. Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Forestry Archive,

All true ashes (members of the genus Fraxinus) are hosts and are detrimentally affected by the beetle.  In Asia, ash tree species which have co-evolved with EAB have developed a chemical resistance to the larvae, greatly inhibiting the number of larvae and the extent of damage they cause.  North American ash trees, however, have no natural resistance.  In Arkansas, we have at least five native ash species, two of which occur statewide: green ash (F. pennsylvanica) which is common in bottomlands and on river terraces, and white ash (Fraxinus americana) found in a wide range of habitats (some authorities recognize additional species segregated from white ash, such as F. biltmoreana and F. smallii).

geren ash bark_karen a rawlins_university of georgia_bugwood_org

Leaf and bark of green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). Karen A. Rawlins, University of Georgia,

Fruit (samaras) of green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica).  Paul Wray, Iowa State University,

Fruit (samaras) of green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica). Paul Wray, Iowa State University,

The three remaining ashes are each regionally and more ecologically restricted: Carolina ash (F. caroliniana) of swamps and bottomland forests in the West Gulf Coastal Plain, pumpkin ash (F. profunda) of swamps and bottomland forests in the Mississippi Alluvial and eastern West Gulf Coastal Plains, and blue ash (F. quadrangulata) of primarily calcareous uplands in the Ozark Mountains and southwestern Arkansas.  Although ash trees make up only about 2.5% of the total forest composition of the state (a slightly higher percentage in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain), their ecological, economic, and aesthetic values are significant.  Other native (i.e., fringe-tree [Chionanthus virginicus] and swamp privet [Forestiera acuminata]), and cultivated and introduced (e.g., forsythias [Forsythia spp.], lilac [Syringa vulgaris], privets [Ligustrum spp.]) members of the olive family (Oleaceae), to which the ashes belong, do not appear to be affected in Arkansas at this point.

Systemic insecticides (transported within the tree’s vascular system) can be used to protect specimen ash trees, in yards or urban landscapes, for example, but treatment must begin before an infestation is well underway and must be repeated multiple times over numerous years for continued protection (perhaps indefinitely, which could be ultimately rather costly).  Once symptoms are noted (especially more than 50% of canopy dieback), it is likely too late for the tree to be saved, as considerable damage to the tree’s vascular system has already occurred.  Unfortunately, protection of trees in forested habitats is unfeasible at this time.

Although EAB is believed to spread relatively slowly on its own (on the order of a few miles per year), its spread has been greatly accelerated by movement of infested firewood, nursery stock, timber, and other wood products, often resulting in leaps of tens to hundreds of miles.  One or more of these was the likely cause (and probable additional dispersal) of the Arkansas infestation.  Last month, the Arkansas Sate Plant Board implemented an emergency quarantine to regulate movement of items that pose a significant threat of spreading EAB further.

Emergency EAB Quarantine area in Arkansas, including the six infested counties and 19 buffer counties.

Emergency EAB Quarantine area in Arkansas, including the six infested counties and 19 buffer counties.

Unless a compliance agreement can be obtained through the Arkansas State Plant Board, items restricted from movement from within to outside the quarantine area include firewood (of all hardwood species, since it is sometimes difficult to distinguish species of cut logs), ash nursery stock, green ash lumber with bark attached, and other ash material (living or dead) greater than one inch in size.  Quarantined items can move freely within the quarantined area.  This emergency quarantine will be effective for 120 days, during which time the Arkansas State Plant Board will take steps to establish a permanent quarantine rule, a process that will require a public comment period.

Of particular concern among the regulated items is firewood, as monitoring of firewood movement is extremely difficult.  Campers, hunters, and others recreating in Arkansas are being implored to use wood for campfires collected only from the local area and not to transport firewood more than 25 miles from its origin.  If firewood is moved beyond such limits by accident or prior to being aware of the regulations, it should be burned in its entirety as soon as possible and as safely as possible.  Such firewood should not be left unburned for future campers or further transported.

If you suspect an EAB infestation or note ash trees exhibiting unexplained damage or mortality, especially outside of the six known infested counties, contact the Arkansas State Plant Board (501-225-1598), your local Cooperative Extension Office, or your local forester.

And, if you’ve ever had any tree-hugging inclinations, perhaps you might want to hug your favorite ash tree(s) while you still can.  You will not be judged…there’s no shame.  I’ve already a hugged a few.

Article by ANPS member and Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission botanist Brent Baker.

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Know Your Natives – Yellow False Foxgloves

Comb-Leaf Yellow False Foxglove and Smooth Yellow False Foxglove

Comb-leaf yellow false foxglove (Aureolaria pectinata) and smooth yellow false foxglove (Aureolaria flava) are hemiparasitic (obtain some nutrients from other plants) plants, but do also have chlorophyll and perform photosynthesis.  These yellow false foxgloves attach to oak tree roots via haustoria (modified roots that penetrate the host’s tissues).  They are sometimes also called “oak leaches” for this reason.  Previously placed in the traditional Scrophulariaceae (Figwort) Family, the yellow false foxgloves and other hemiparasitic species have since been transferred to the Orobanchaceae (Broom-rape) Family.  The genus name “Aureolaria” in Latin refers to the golden-yellow flowers of these species.

Plant color is medium green for yellow false foxgloves, and leaves and flowering branches are opposite.  Leaves, flowering branches and flowers grow from leaf axils.  Trumpet-shaped and canary-yellow flowers, occurring in late summer to early fall, are solitary on short pedicels.  The corollas have five rounded spreading lobes (two on top and three on bottom) that fuse to form a trumpet-shaped tube.  Four overhanging stamens are fused to the bottom of the tube.  A slender style from the superior ovary protrudes slightly beyond the grouped stamens.  Ovoid seed capsules split when mature and dry.

Yellow false foxgloves are pollinated by bumble bees and hummingbirds.  They are also larval host plants for the Baltimore checkerspot butterfly.

Comb-Leaf Yellow False Foxglove

Comb-leaf yellow false foxglove, an annual, occurs in the US from eastern Texas and Oklahoma to Missouri and eastward to the Atlantic Coast.  In Arkansas, it is mainly found in highlands of the Ozark and Ouachita Mountains (including the mountains and ridges of the Arkansas Valley).  Comb-leaf yellow false foxglove grows in sandy to rocky, open woodlands and glades in thin, dry, acidic soils.  Young plants have a rosette of basal leaves which are elliptic to lance-like and entire (no indentions).  Mature plants, up to three feet tall, may consist of a single main stem with minimal branching or a single stem with many branches. The plant is densely covered with glandular hairs and feels sticky to the touch.  Leaves, generally 1.5” long and 0.75” wide with three to seven pinnate (feather-like) primary lobes, are deeply cut or comb-like (thus “pectinata” in the Latin name).  Leaves are generally sessile except that lower leaves can be somewhat petiolate.

Photo 1

Photo 1:  Spring growth of comb-leaf yellow false foxglove (an annual) showing simple basal leaves and pinnate leaves higher up-stem.

Photo 2

Photo 2:  A single stemmed comb-leaf yellow false foxglove.  Note dense hairs and reddish tip of flower buds.

Comb-leaf yellow false foxglove flowers August to September with blooms up to 1.5″ long and 0.75” wide.  The calyx, formed by five pinnate sepals, is densely hairy as is the outside of flower buds and flowers.  The ends of flower buds may be reddish and reddish streaks may occur along the lower-inside of the floral tube.

Photo 3

Photo 3:  Stamens and style allow ample space for a bubble bee or hummingbird.  Small bees, as shown, likely do not facilitate pollination.

Smooth Yellow False Foxglove

Smooth yellow false foxglove, a perennial, occurs in the US from Texas to Wisconsin and eastward to the Atlantic Coast.  In Arkansas, it occurs in a rather odd distribution including much of the Ozarks, eastern Ouachita Mountains, and southeastern part of the state.  It is curiously sparse in the western Ouachitas, and mostly absent from the western Gulf Coastal Plain and much of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain.  Smooth yellow false foxglove is generally found in dry, open upland oak or pine-oak woodlands (savannas).  It is an upright to sprawling plant to four feet tall with smooth, hairless stems.  Lower flowering branches may be 1.5 feet long with subsequent branches decreasing in length.  Lower leaves, three to four inches long, are deeply lobed with lobes being narrow and decreasing in length toward the tip.  Width of central section of leaf blade and width of lobes are similar.  Minor secondary lobes occur.  Leaves on flowering branches, about 1.5” long, are willow-like.  Leaves and lobes are slightly folded along their central veins.

Photo 4

Photo 4:  Spring growth of smooth yellow false foxglove (a perennial).  Dry stalks from last year’s growth still present.

Photo 5

Photo 5:  Multi-stemmed smooth yellow false foxglove grows quickly and may reach four feet tall.

Flowers, up to two inches long and 1.5 inches wide, are in a raceme or, near the top, directly from the main stem.  The short, cup-like calyx is rimmed by five short, pointed sepals.

Photo 6

Photo 6:  A flowering smooth yellow false foxglove presents a rather loose, disorganized appearance.

Photo 7

Photo 7:  Leaf comparison of Aureolaria pectinata (comb-leaf yellow false foxglove) and Aureolaria flava (smooth yellow false foxglove)

Footnotes – additional yellow false foxglove species of note:

Large-flower yellow false foxglove (Aureolaria grandiflora) is the only other species of the group that occurs in Arkansas.  It is perennial and somewhat resembles smooth yellow false foxglove in habit, but is densely short-hairy (but not glandular or sticky hairy like comb-leaf yellow false foxglove).  The main stem leaves often tend to be less deeply lobed and the flowering stem leaves shorter and broader than smooth yellow false foxglove.  Large-flower yellow false foxglove, also has a rather odd distribution in Arkansas, occurring in the western Ozarks, western Ouachitas, Gulf Coastal Plain and on Crowley’s Ridge.  Although it occurs in similar habitats to smooth yellow false foxglove, large-flower yellow false foxglove is generally absent from the central part of the other’s range in the state.  However, their ranges do overlap, especially from the northwestern corner of the state, through central Arkansas, into the southeastern corner, and plants of both species can sometimes be found growing together in this region.

Fern-leaf yellow false foxglove (Aureolaria pedicularia), an annual, is very similar to comb-leaf yellow false foxglove.  In fact, they are sometimes treated as variants of a single species.  Whereas comb-leaf yellow false foxglove is distributed throughout the Southeastern U.S., fern-leaf yellow false foxglove is more northern in distribution, generally restricted to the Great Lakes and East Coast/Appalachian regions.  Fern-leaf yellow false foxglove, in this stricter sense, is not known from or expected to be found in Arkansas, but references to Aureolaria pedicularia in the state may be found in some literature reports, owing to the two being combined under this name at times.

Article and photographs by ANPS member Sid Vogelpohl

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Know Your Natives – Yellow Passionflower

Yellow passionflower (Passiflora lutea) of the Passifloraceae (Passionflower) Family is found in the US from Texas to Kansas to Illinois and eastward to the coast.  In Arkansas, it is found throughout the state.  Yellow passionflower is more delicate in appearance and less aggressive than purple passionflower.  The species grows in moist bottomland and upland forests to medium-dry, rocky upland woodlands and thickets, doing well in bright shade or partial sun.

Yellow passionflower is a small, unbranched herbaceous perennial vine with trailing, climbing or sprawling stems up to fourteen feet long (but often encountered a few to five or six feet long).  New vines can grow upright for a couple of feet on their own before gravity wins out, unless support can be found on other vegetation.  The number of vining stems increases from year-to-year near its original location, generally not spreading widely underground like its larger, showier cousin.  One or more tendrils and/or flowers arise from each leaf axil.  Tendrils typically exhibit a spring-like appearance.  As vines mature, the lower leaves drop off.

Alternate leaves, dark green on top and light green below, consist of three smoothly rounded, shallowly cut lobes with entire (no teeth) margins.  Each lobe is centered by a primary vein.  Lateral veins, which are slightly arcuate, arise at about a 50o angle off the central veins.  The three primary veins terminate just slightly past the leaf margin.  Leaves, from 2½” to 6” wide and 2″ to 4½” long, may be strongly mottled with irregular lighter green areas, but tend to become more uniform in color with maturity.  Leaves are generally spaced from one to two inches apart along the stems, with spacing decreasing in brighter light.  Multi-stemmed plants in bright light can have a dense layer of leaves floating above the stems.

Photo 1

Photo 1:  Leaf and tendril of yellow passionflower.  With maturity, leaf patterns (if any) may fade.

Flowering of yellow passionflower occurs in May to July.  Flower buds are elongated and squared-off and indented at the stem end.  Flowers are a light greenish yellow (“lutea” is Latin for yellow). The structure of the perianth, corona and reproductive portions of flowers of yellow passionflower are very similar to those of purple passionflower, however, parts are significantly smaller, with total flower diameter only about one inch.  Whereas sepals and petals of purple passionflower are of about equal width, petals of yellow passionflower are narrower than the sepals.

Photo 2

Photo 2:  Yellow passionflower bud and flower.  Note broad sepals and narrow petals.

Photo 3

Photo 3:  Flower structure as seen from the side.  Note spring-like tendril in foreground.

Flowers are followed by small, round and smooth green fruits (berries) on long, thin stalks such that the fruits dangle from the stems.  Seeds, up to 10 per fruit, are each surrounded by a membrane filled with liquid.  Upon ripening, fruits become dark bluish purple with a whitish haze.  Ripe fruit is soft and releases a staining purple liquid when squeezed, the membranes having disintegrated.  Dark brown seeds, about 0.15” long and half as wide, have points at both ends and a textured surface.

Photo 4

Photo 4:  Mature fruit on five or more intertwined stems of yellow passionflower supported on eastern redcedar.  Dried flower parts persist on the fruits.

Photo 5

Photo 5:  Seed of purple and yellow passionflower for comparison.  Note characteristic texture of each.

Yellow passionflower is an interesting plant in a garden or natural area.  The leaves, tendrils, flowers and fruit all add interest.  Its rambling but sparse growth habit allows it to drape over other plants without any particular effect to other plants.  This plant, attractive to bees and small wasps, is the only pollen source for the solitary ground-nesting Passionflower Bee (Anthemurgus passiflorae).  Along with purple passionflower, yellow passionflower is also a larval host plant for the Gulf fritillary butterfly.  Wildlife eat the fruit and disperse the seed.

Photo 6

Photo 6:  Gulf Fritillary caterpillar on purple passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) leaf.

Photo 7

Photo 7:  Adult Gulf Fritillary butterfly on blue sage (Salvia azurea).

Article and photographs by ANPS member Sid Vogelpohl

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Know Your Natives – Purple Passionflower

Purple passionflower or maypop(s) (Passiflora incarnata) of the Passifloraceae (Passionflower) family is found in the US from Kansas to Illinois to Pennsylvania, south to Texas and Florida.  In Arkansas, it occurs statewide.  Purple passionflower, a herbaceous (non-woody) perennial vine, grows well in acidic or slightly alkaline soils that are sandy, loamy or clayey in nature and where sunlight is abundant.  Preferred sites are disturbed areas, stream banks, overgrown pastures and roadsides.  (See footnote regarding common names.)

Early Spring growth of an established plant.  Tendrils growing from leaf axils.

Early Spring growth of an established purple passionflower plant.  Note tendrils growing from leaf axils.

Purple passionflower has long trailing, non-twining, mostly unbranched stems that grow rapidly and can reach 20 feet in length.  Growth habit is a combination of climbing and sprawling.  Tendrils and/or flowers at leaf axils grow at the same time as when the leaves first form.  Tendrils, four or more inches long, grow in random directions away from the leaf while flowers grow skyward.  Plant are generally glabrous (without hairs) to occasionally finely hairy, especially on young stems; immature ovaries are densely, velvety hairy.

A fresh flower with typical coloration.  Flowers may be more white or more purple.  Ovary immediately below three styles. 

A fresh flower with typical coloration.  Flowers may be more white or more purple.  Note the ovary immediately below the three styles but above the five stamens.

Widely spaced, three-lobed alternate leaves, on petioles that are short in comparison to blades, are dark green above and light green below.  Leaves have short, closely spaced rounded teeth with broadly rounded, deeply cut lobes that are acutely pointed.  Major veins, at the center of each lobe, extend from petiole to tips of lobes.  Veins of the two side lobes are about 50o off the central vein.  Leaf blades, about four inches long and five inches wide, may lie flat or be slightly folded along the three major veins.  A pair of raised, oval glands are found on the petiole just below the leaf blade.

On this healthy specimen, day-to-day succession from bud to fruit and raised glands on petiole (just below leaf) can be seen.

On this healthy specimen, day-to-day succession from bud to flower to developing fruit as well as raised glands on the petioles (just below leaf blade) can be seen.

Flower buds, elongated and squeezable, consist of five somewhat leafy sepals with each having a central sharp ridge which terminates with a prominent soft “spine”.  These spines encircle an open area at the top of the bud.  Showy flowers, occurring singly, are two and a half inches wide.  The perianth (portion of flower below reproductive portion) consists of five sepals, five petals and a corona made up of long, round filaments that are crinkly near the ends.  Perianth and reproductive portions of a fresh flower are reflexed downward; however, the perianth reflexes upward after fertilization.

A maturing fruit which will become yellow, then dry.  Sepals still attached.

A maturing fruit of purple passionflower, which will become yellow and dry at maturity. Note dried sepals still attached.

The color of the petals, patterned in white and purple, and the color of the inside of the sepals generally mirrors that of the corona.  Five stamens with large anthers and a pistil of three styles and stigmas are elevated above the corona with the ovary in between (superior position).  The pollen bearing side of the anthers hangs down in the space between the corona and styles so that pollination is performed by large bees rummaging about for nectar.

Photo 5

Variegated  Fritillary caterpillar on purple passionflower leaf.

Ovaries of fertilized flowers develop quickly into two-inch, egg-shaped to rounded fleshy fruits on long petioles.  The green fruit contains 100± seeds with each seed individually surrounded by a membrane containing a viscous, edible (and tasty) material.  With maturity, the fruit becomes yellowish and dries to a crispy outside skin.  Dark brown seeds, about 0.25” long and half as wide, have smooth edges and sides that are randomly, but densely pock-marked (as result of ridges encircling lower space).

Gulf Fritillary on dittany aka wild oregano (Cunila origanoides)

Gulf Fritillary adult nectaring on dittany, aka wild oregano (Cunila origanoides)

Purple passionflower can be a great addition to a native garden or retained in a natural setting.  However, its clambering growth habit and its habit of popping up in inconvenient places may be drawbacks to a more formal setting (stems can be easily pulled off roots, though, for control). In especially droughty conditions, the plant may shrivel and go dormant early, but returns the following year.  Purple passionflower is an important larval host plant for the Gulf Fritillary and Variegated Fritillary.

Note:  Another native Arkansas passionflower, yellow passionflower (Passiflora lutea) will be featured in a later posting…


“Passionflower,” named by 16th century Spanish missionaries who related flower parts to Christ’s crucifixion or the “Passion of Christ.”   Namely, 1) Five sepals and five petals represent the disciples, excluding Peter and Judas, 2) Five stamens represent five wounds, 3) Three styles represent three nails, and 4) Corona represents crown of thorns.

“Maypop” may derive from the plant’s growth habit of “popping up” in unexpected places in spring or that the fruit “may pop” when stepped on. 

 Article and photos by ANPS member Sid Vogelpohl

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